Declarative keyboard navigation

Encapsulate the details of handling key events in a tidy reusable component.


Power users love keyboard navigation, but it's often an overlooked feature. Keyboard nav is almost never present in designs or mockups, and the last thing UI developers want to do is juggle keyboard events.

What if there was an easy way to add keyboard navigation to your application? In this video, we'll create a declarative and composable component that makes keyboard navigation painless.

{{! use the J and K keys to navigate through the list of posts }}

  on-press=(action (mut navigatedPost) (next navigatedPost posts))}}

  on-press=(action (mut navigatedPost) (previous navigatedPost posts))}}

  on-press=(action "openPost" navigatedPost)}}

We'll first need to install ember-keyboard in order to make this API work.

ember install ember-keyboard

Next, we can create the keyboard-press component.

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { EKMixin, keyDown } from 'ember-keyboard';

export default Component.extend(EKMixin, {
  key: null,
  'on-press'() {},

  didInsertElement() {

    let key = this.get('key');
    let action = this.get('on-press');

    this.set('keyboardActivated', true);

    this.on(keyDown(key), action);

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